DEADPOOL Movie Review

DEADPOOL is the ultimate Superhero Bad Boy. He has no morals and does (and says) whatever he wants. He doesn't care who he kills (he's a mercenary with a mouth) with his hands or his words.
 DEADPOOL is an anti-hero from the world of Marvel Comics X-MEN Universe. He first appeared on film in WOLVERINE:ORIGINS, portrayed by Ryan Reynolds, who reprises the role in his own movie.
 Let me issue a very strong disclaimer. THIS IS NOT A FAMILY FRIENDLY SUPER-HERO FILM. Not in any way shape or form. It's rated a very,very strong R for foul language,nudity,ultra-violence and more foul language.
 Here is the big question that should be addressed. Despite DEADPOOL being a filth ridden, offensively rude and crude, ultra-violent movie that was made for the comic book geek who loves crude humor to the tenth power, does the film have any redeeming value whatsoever? In my opinion, the answer is yes. That's the real strength of this film. We are given a character who is self aware that he is a horrible person with virtually no moral gumption. Then, through the course of 100 plus minutes, the film makers, while swimming through a cesspool of profanity and violence and more profanity,actually give us a character that we come to care about.
  I'll stop there, for fear of treading into spoiler territory. I will say that Ryan Reynolds is DEADPOOL. This is his role. He's perfect and give Wade Wilson (that's Deadpool's real name) surprising depth and emotion to a character who's known for not having depth or emotion.
 The writers and director, Tim Miller, are responsible for giving us a film that is true to the Deadpool character and gives us a film with a little bit of heart.
 I give DEADPOOL a B+, despite the vulgar language and ultra violence. I can't warn you enough. If you don't like or can't stand this sort of film, please don't go see it or even think about taking children to see this. Because if you do, and then complain about, well, that's your fault.


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