
Showing posts from 2011
DOLPHIN TALE     DOLPHIN TALE is about a boy who finds an injured dolphin washed ashore on a beach and with the help of some Animal rescuers, attempt to bring it back to health.     DOLPHIN TALE didn't win me over with it's acting,which features Harry Connick Jr. and Ashley Judd, but Morgan Freeman's appearance as a specialist in dealing with prosthetics did help.     The movie didn't win me over with it's predictable story,either. But what works best about DOLPHIN TALE is when it focuses on the obstacles that involves saving the dolphin.The film is inspiring when it focuses on this part of the story,but becomes hokey and predictable when it focuses on the humans.  There's not much else to say about DOLPHIN TALE.   I give it *** out of 5 stars.
THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN      THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN is based on a popular comic book series,mainly overseas,and virtually a stranger to America. Who could be better than filmmakers Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson to introduce Tintin to America?     THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN follows boy reporter Tintin and his dog snowy on an adventure to find a mysterious hidden treasure. Sound like Indiana Jones? Maybe,but not to worry,TINTIN,at least this particular adventure, has almost as much action as the last two INDIANA JONES films and is better than those as well.    What I like most about a movie is when all aspects of a film blend together perfectly to make a memorable and enjoyable film. This happens in TINTIN. At least it did for me. I find TINTIN to be the best animated film I've seen this year.    Although I don't like to get into plot details about movies,(***MINOR SPOILER ALERT****),I do want to share with you a certain character trait involving the character of Cap
THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO     I haven't read the best selling book this movie is based on, but I have seen the Swedish film version, which I really liked. So I had my hopes up  going into the American version, directed by David Fincher (FIGHT CLUB,SEVEN,THE SOCIAL NETWORK). I also had reservations because of the R rating and strong  subject matter.   Minus the sex scenes which are border line gratuitous, I'd call David Fincher's version one of the years best. I could write about the graphic content contained in the movie. I could write about what a masterful job David Fincher did in directing. And I could write about how screenwriter Steven Zaillian did masterful job in adapting the novel and being faithful to the popular Swedish film version, but instead I will share my thoughts on actress Rooney Mara's brilliant performance as Lisbeth Salander. Without getting into spoiler territory, I will tell you that the character of Lisbeth is a heroine of tragic circu
MISSION:IMPOSSIBLE-GHOST PROTOCOL       The forth entry in the MISSION:IMPOSSIBLE franchise is the best of the bunch.        Every scene is set up masterfully by screenwriters Josh Applebaum and Andre Nemec and director Brad Bird. I will give most of the credit to Brad Bird. This is his live action directing debut and it is nothing short out outstanding. You might recognize his previous three animated directing efforts-THE IRON GIANT,THE INCREDIBLES and RATATOUILLE. I cannot describe in words the action sequences this man has created. They are simply breathtaking.       Now to Tom Cruise.       The man has been in career meltdown ever since jumping on Oprah's couch and spouting off his views of Scientology. This is his comeback film. The man is in top action form here. I'll go as far to say that this is his best action performance since MINORITY REPORT. His performance is the glue to the whole movie.Without him, you don't have a movie.       There is a new addition