I haven't read the best selling book this movie is based on, but I have seen the Swedish film version, which I really liked. So I had my hopes up  going into the American version, directed by David Fincher (FIGHT CLUB,SEVEN,THE SOCIAL NETWORK). I also had reservations because of the R rating and strong  subject matter.
  Minus the sex scenes which are border line gratuitous, I'd call David Fincher's version one of the years best.
I could write about the graphic content contained in the movie. I could write about what a masterful job David Fincher did in directing. And I could write about how screenwriter Steven Zaillian did masterful job in adapting the novel and being faithful to the popular Swedish film version, but instead I will share my thoughts on actress Rooney Mara's brilliant performance as Lisbeth Salander. Without getting into spoiler territory, I will tell you that the character of Lisbeth is a heroine of tragic circumstances. How she deals with some of the horrible things that have happened in her life and the horrific events that take place within the story of the film will have people talking. This is a performance by unknown actress Rooney Mara that will be talked about for years to come.
  The question that came to my mind while watching this film is if it is suitable for audiences.I have to warn people who are somewhat interested or can't wait for this movie that this is a very rough film, mainly because of the graphic sex scenes. Please do not mix up what I'm about say regarding the sexual subject matter within the film. I have to say that two of the pivotal scenes, which are sexually explicit  are used to tell a difficult story of what happens the main character. The other scenes involving Daniel Craig are debatable and in comparison to the Swedish version, go at bit too far.
    Bottom line, if you are not one for sexually explicit content in your movies, this might not be for you. I for the record am not a fan of such content, but don't think in this care that it is abused. So don't tell me that I didn't warn you.

A side note: The topic of whether R rated movies should be viewed or not is a subject that I plan on tackling in the very near future. If you know me personally, then you know what angle (Christian perspective)I am coming from.
On my five star scale, I give THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO **** stars out of 5.


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