THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN is based on a popular comic book series,mainly overseas,and virtually a stranger to America. Who could be better than filmmakers Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson to introduce Tintin to America?
    THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN follows boy reporter Tintin and his dog snowy on an adventure to find a mysterious hidden treasure. Sound like Indiana Jones? Maybe,but not to worry,TINTIN,at least this particular adventure, has almost as much action as the last two INDIANA JONES films and is better than those as well.
   What I like most about a movie is when all aspects of a film blend together perfectly to make a memorable and enjoyable film. This happens in TINTIN. At least it did for me. I find TINTIN to be the best animated film I've seen this year.
   Although I don't like to get into plot details about movies,(***MINOR SPOILER ALERT****),I do want to share with you a certain character trait involving the character of Captain Haddock,played by Andy Serkis (Gollum, from THE LORD OF THE RINGS movies). Captain Haddock is an alcoholic, who is drunk most of the movie. He carries a bottle of booze with him most of the movie. There is a scene where a sober Captain Haddock has to remember something rather important involving the mysterious hidden treasure. According to the movie, the only way he can remember is to get him drunk.???? That alone is not enough to derail the movie for me,but it does put a blemish to a entertaining roller coaster ride of a movie.
  Did I mention that Spielberg does an incredible job of directing incredible scenes of action? Most of the scenes and how Spielberg executes them are worth the price of admission, but you also have to give credit to screenwriters Steve Moffat,Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish for inventive and energetic screenplay.
   I give THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN **** out of five.

Note:I didn't see this in 3-D, and don't feel that I missed anything by seeing the 2-D version.


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