The 10 Best Movies I saw in 2011

            In my humble opinion,2011 was a pretty good year at the movies.
Yes, we had Super Heroes, animated movies and lots of sequels. Some were good (Captain America,Cars 2)and some were bad (Transformers 3). What do i think was the best in 2011? I will start my countdown with 10 being the least and 1 being the best. On with my list of the Best of 2011.

10) Fast Five - After four movies, they filmmakers of FAST FIVE finally got it right. I'm still not quite sure what  made this mindless action movie work, but it might have something to do with it being so darn fun watching Vin Diesel,Paul Walker and The Rock racing and crashing cars in Rio de Janeiro.
9) The Help- It's the best chick flick of the year about housekeepers dealing with racism in 1960's Mississippi. It took me almost 6 months to see this acclaimed movie, and I think it was worth the hype and wait.
8)Crazy Stupid Love- This is the best romantic comedy in 10 years and has one of the biggest surprises in a movie in along time. I am hard to fool, but this movie did it. Man was i kicking myself afterwards. Great romantic comedy with a great cast.
7)Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2-An amazing ending to one of the great movie franchises in Hollywood history. Until J.K. Rowlings writes the inevitable sequel. We all know it will happen. When is the question.
6)Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol-Tom Cruise makes a comeback in a big way way thanks to J.J. Abrhams and Brad Bird(The Incredibles). This is the best action movie of the year.
5)Moneyball-This one of the best baseball movies I've seen in a long time, about the the behind the scenes wheeling and dealings of Major League Baseball. Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill, yes Mr.Pottymouth Jonah Hill, give the best performances of their careers in this film. Let it be said that Jonah Hill left his potty mouth out of this film. Maybe he should do it more often.
4)Rise of The Planet of The Apes-The Best Reboot and sequel of the year. This re-imagining of the classic APES films is turned on it's head with wonderful results.
3)Tree of Life-The most challenging to watch movie of the year is a thought provoking film about questioning one's faith.
2)Courageous-Unless you are a Christian, i doubt you saw this movie about what it means to be a man,father and a follower of God. I challenge everyone to see this powerful and life Changing movie.
1)Warrior-Which leads me to what i believe to be the best film I saw in 2011. Is it becasue I love boxing and MMA? No. It's because I feel it to be a movie about family, faith,why one fights and redemption.No other movie hit me harder on an emotional level as WARRIOR did. Predictable? Maybe, maybe not. But you are dead inside if this movie didn't strike on some level.
  There you have it. My 10 best of the year. Let me add that my top 3 pics combined didn't gross as much money as any the others in my top 10. Why is that? I'm not sure. But you can't say that those who are on my Facebook or Twitter accounts can't say that they have never heard me talk about these three films.


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