The Magic of the Force Returns!

    It's finally here. The sequel I thought I would never see in my lifetime.
     STAR WARS:THE FORCE AWAKENS. Was it worth the wait? Does J.J. Abrams do the film justice? Is the new cast as good as the original cast? Is the original cast good in this? YES!!!!!
Not only YES!!!! but YES!!!
   THE FORCE AWAKENS is a return to what we loved about STAR WARS in the first place. That awe inspiring galaxy far,far,far away that contained cinema magic like no other films in the history of cinema. This movie has that. It made me feel like that 7 year old boy who cared less about movies and had his eyes opened to the wonders of film. It happened all over again. AMAZING!!!
  I will not spoil this film for anyone who  has not seen it yet, because this movie is filled with surprises. One of those (No  spoilers.) is the new cast led by stage actress Daisy Ridley, who is beyond wonderful as Rey, a desert scavenger who stumbles upon her biggest find that leads to an inter-galactic space adventure beyond her wildest dreams. This is all I'm going to say about the film-for now. I will write a spoiler filled review at a later date.
  I urge you to run to the theater now to see this incredibly entertaining film experience before some jerk spoils it for you online or in person. BEWARE OF SPOILERS in comment sections where this movie is talked about. That is my advice.
  STAR WARS:THE FORCE AWAKENS may be the very best film I've seen this year, but that is NOT an official statement yet. I give it a solid A. 


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