Review:Batman v.Superman:Dawn of Justice

      BATMAN V. SUPERMAN:DAWN OF JUSTICE is the highly anticipated sequel to Zack Snyder's MAN OF STEEL and the even more anticipated pairing of two of the greatest superheros ever.
    B v. S picks up with Bruce Wayne's (played perfectly by Ben Affleck) perspective of what went down in Metropolis between Superman and General Zod. It's basically 9-11 on a grandeur scale of destruction. In the wake of that event, Superman ( played wonderfully once again by Henry Cavill) is being raked over the coals by the media and the government, who are demanding that Superman answer for his actions. Then we have Bruce Wayne, who is determined to take it on himself in classic Batman style, to bring Supes to justice. All of this is fantastic news for megalomaniac/billionaire Lex Luthor (played by Jesse Eisenberg, who gives the most daringly dangerous portrayal of Lex Luthor yet to appear on screen and for me, it works) who wants to destroy Superman because of his godlike presence he has on the world. His contempt for Superman,like in the comics, is sparked by pure jealously for the fact that Superman has all this physical power and Lex does not. But what Lex does posses is a brilliant and deceptive mind, powerful and smart enough to defeat Superman and Batman.
      Basic is not a word that I would use to describe the plot of this film. It is multi-layered and has sub plots like an Octopus has arms. That proves to be confusing and a challenge for viewers to keep track of all that is going on in this film. And let me just emphasize that there is much going on here.
The film is also taking responsibility for setting up the forthcoming JUSTICE LEAGUE film, slated for 2017. That in itself is a daunting task, one that I think B v. S sets up well enough. Keep in mind people, that the foundation of the Justice League is Superman,Batman and Wonder Woman. Did I forget to mention Wonder Woman? Yes, she is in the film as well, played by Gal Gadot (from the Fast and Furious movies). Her presence will have you wanting her own film,which coincidentally, is also coming in 2017.
   The film is not perfect. No film, with the exception of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, is that.
  Batman v. Superman is asked to do much by the comic book fans and in my humble opinion, it does that very successfully.
  It opens up a bigger world introduced to us in THE MAN OF STEEL, with more heroes and villains that you can count on two hands.
 It gives us a spectacular cast. There is not room or time enough for me to list every single person from Ben Affleck to Jeremy Irons (as Alfred) who appears in this film. Everyone, including Jesse Eisenberg's polarizing portrayal
of Lex Luthor brings their A game for this film.
  And then there is director Zack Snyder and company. I am quite certain that they did not set out to make a film that critics and fan boys would rip apart on the internet. That was bound to happen no matter what. In my opinion, Snyder and company have made a comic book film for comic book lovers. And they have succeeded that least in my eyes. Don't take my word for it. See it only if this interests you. it may not. Not every film made is for everybody. I know this.
  What is not acceptable in my view, is the over-critical views of film critics and others, who have a hidden agenda with the stars and film-makers on any movie,including this one, where said people bring their mean spirited agenda to tear down someone's hard  work. That is not acceptable to me at all,whatsoever. This needs to stop.
  On a scale of 1 to 10, I give BATMAN V. SUPERMAN a 9. It's Zack Snyder's best since the classic adult comic book movie, WATCHMEN. 


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