Do You Believe?

    DO YOU BELIEVE? is from the studio, Pure Flix, who brought you last year's hit, GOD'S NOT DEAD.
   DO YOU BELIEVE? tells the story or stories of 12 people in Chicago, whose lives are intertwined in one way or another. What's the common denominator? Their belief or unbelief in God. That's the basic set up of the film. I will not go any further for fear of heading into spoiler territory,
  When I saw the trailer, I thought that if I didn't believe in Jesus Christ, that this film would seem extremely to me. I understand that non-believers will think this about this movie. "Christian" movies do have that stigmata about them. That they are cheesy and over the top with sentimentality. I get that.
  But here's the thing that will keep you from liking or not liking this movie-what you believe.  I believe that this movie is of sound Biblical doc-turn. It's what I believe. It's what I profess on a daily basis. My prayer is that non-believers will actually see this movie and not think that it is a cheesy "christian" movie, but that what they are actually seeing is the truth being played out in a dramatic fashion.
  Is the film cliched?Yes, to a point, but I do not think that should stop someone who doesn't believe from receiving the core message of the film-that Jesus Christ died on the cross for yours and my sins and that there is redemption for everyone who receives the gift that Jesus Christ offers-eternal life with him. It's the truth. I have felt like some of the characters depicted in the movie. Lost faith. Questioning my existence. Unbelief. Suicide. I have felt all of that at some point in my life.
  I hope that if you see this movie, which I encourage everyone to see, that you won't go in with blinders on. That God will soften your heart to hear his life saving message. I also pray that believers will be recharged in their faith and fight for the lost.
  On my letter grade scale, I give DO YOU BELIEVE? a B+. 


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