Related imageI don't see many period pieces or costume dramas for the simple fact that I find them to sometimes boring. I heard talk of THE BEGUILED, directed by Sofia Coppola, during the month of June. It played only in the art house theaters, so the opportunity for wanting to see this in a multiplex movie theater was very slim to downright impossible. Thank the Lord for streaming services (a.k.a home video).
Before getting into my reaction and thoughts of THE BEGUILED, I need to state that I am not a fan of the director at all. I was bored to tears at her beloved (to whom I do not know) film LOST IN TRANSLATION. That was a big strike against this film going into it. What attracted me to this film? Reading the description, I got the sense that this could be a thriller of some sort. I do love me a good thriller.
THE BEGUILED tells the story of a girl who finds a wounded Yankee soldier(this is the Civil War era) in Virginia and takes him back to an all-girls boarding school where she is a student. The Headmistress, played by Nicole Kidman takes him in and with the help of her assistant /teacher (Kristen Dunst) and four girls (the students), nurse him back to health.
I will admit that there isn't much going on here, at least on the surface. But look and listen just a little bit deeper and you might find a somewhat intriguing drama/thriller about a group of women's reaction to a handsome man in their midst. It;s all about the interaction and reaction of the characters. If this sounds boring, then perhaps this movie isn't for you.
Sophia Coppola uses sound and lighting( or lack of) to help build tension to the story. Hearing the sound of gunfire and cannons going off in the distance reminds the viewer that a war is going on and that Confederate Soldiers can walk up and discover their secret at any moment. The lighting also adds tension. It can also be a drawback to viewing the film.It can be hard to see at times because all that illuminates the house are candles and part s of the film that place at night. even when the ladies are outside, it is filmed with little light.What you can see is beautifully shot. This can be a plus or minus to the viewer.
One more thing I need to mention is the cast. Colin Farrell as Corporal McBurney gives one his better performances in a while. Nicole Kidman is elegant as always. Kristen Dunst is always a revelation, especially here. And Elle Fanning brings a soft sexual seductiveness to the role of a schoolgirl Alicia that makes you feel a bit sorry for McBurney because you know he doesn't stand a chance at avoiding sexual contact with someone like her.
THE BEGUILED is a decent drama that could cause eye strain and test one's patience if you like a faster-paced film. I give THE BEGUILED ***1/2 out of *****.


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