I recently discovered the MOVIE SCRATCH-OFF BUCKET LIST poster and decided to purchase it.
The list features classic movies, some that I've seen before (The Original STAR WARS TRILOGY, THE LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY, JAWS, PSYCHO, and MEMENTO) and others I've never seen before (2001, DR.STRANGELOVE, OLDBOY, DRIVE).
I will be posting my thoughts of each of the 100 movies on the list in future blogs entries. I invite you to watch those movies you have never seen before and rewatch the ones you have seen. Like my self, you will discover classic movies for the first time, while revisiting some of your favorite films. Maybe your thoughts will change on these films after watching them either for the first time or the fifth or sixth time. 
   If you are interested in purchasing this poster, check out the video above for more information or just google THE MOVIE SCRATCH OFF POSTER.


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