
Showing posts from 2016

Review:Finding Dory

   Pixar Animation continues to make excellent family films for all ages. FINDING DORY, the sequel to the 2003 classic is no exception.    In FINDING DORY, we get the back story of the scene stealing fish(voiced by Ellen DeGeneres) with short term memory loss and  see her take off on an adventure that rivals FINDING NEMO. This time, Marlin and Nemo are the supporting characters escorting Dory on her quest to find her Parents (voiced by Diane Keaton and Eugene Levy) whom she was separated from when she was a little fish. Along the way, Dory encounters new friends and an old to us,old to Dory. We meet a Septa puss (voiced by Ed O'Neil) who wants to escape captivity, a near sighted Whale-shark named Destiney (voiced by IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA's Katlin Olsen) Bailey, the beluga whale (voiced by Ty Burr) and Fluke and Rudder the sea lions (voiced by Idris Elba and Dominic West).     FINIDING DORY is a sequel that expounds on the character of Dory


      There is a scene that can be found about half way through the 2:24 minutes that is X-Men:Apocalypse, where some of Charles Xavier's students go to see RETURN OF THE JEDI and debate on what was the best of the trilogy. One of the students says "The third movie always sucks". That will probably be said for this third entry in the current X-Men trilogy.      I'll cut to the chase and tell you that my biggest problem with APOCALYPSE is the villain, Apocalypse. There is no real menace in him. No clear cut objective. He just stands around and talks every single time he's on scene. Every bad guy in every movie wants to rule the world. I'm pretty sure that's his objective here, but it is so muddled down in his trying to find every mutant on Earth. Why is not clearly defined. He finds four mutants to be his enforcers or his four horseman, but with the exception of Magneto, the other three characters introduced are hugely under-developed, along with the v


  Captain America is back, along with most of The Avengers dealing with the fallout of their actions in AGE OF ULTRON. The question is this...should superheroes be controlled by the government or be left alone to do as they please without dealing with the consequences of their actions? And that is my big problem with this film, there are no consequences in this film. Nothing of tangible substance happens in this film, save for the fact that we are introduced to two new(somewhat) heroes to Marvel Cinematic Universe. Not to say that CIVIL WAR isn't entertaining, because it is. Watching superheroes flying and jump around the screen, throwing out smart aleck comments is still fun after at least a dozen plus films. One problem with the action though. It was filmed in a way that made it look choppy and hard to focus on. It became a big distraction for me.  I can't shake the fact that the story for why The Avengers are fighting each other is about as flimsy as as a stryofoam plate.

Review:Batman v.Superman:Dawn of Justice

      BATMAN V. SUPERMAN:DAWN OF JUSTICE is the highly anticipated sequel to Zack Snyder's MAN OF STEEL and the even more anticipated pairing of two of the greatest superheros ever.     B v. S picks up with Bruce Wayne's (played perfectly by Ben Affleck) perspective of what went down in Metropolis between Superman and General Zod. It's basically 9-11 on a grandeur scale of destruction. In the wake of that event, Superman ( played wonderfully once again by Henry Cavill) is being raked over the coals by the media and the government, who are demanding that Superman answer for his actions. Then we have Bruce Wayne, who is determined to take it on himself in classic Batman style, to bring Supes to justice. All of this is fantastic news for megalomaniac/billionaire Lex Luthor (played by Jesse Eisenberg, who gives the most daringly dangerous portrayal of Lex Luthor yet to appear on screen and for me, it works) who wants to destroy Superman because of his godlike presence he ha

DEADPOOL Movie Review

DEADPOOL is the ultimate Superhero Bad Boy. He has no morals and does (and says) whatever he wants. He doesn't care who he kills (he's a mercenary with a mouth) with his hands or his words.  DEADPOOL is an anti-hero from the world of Marvel Comics X-MEN Universe. He first appeared on film in WOLVERINE:ORIGINS, portrayed by Ryan Reynolds, who reprises the role in his own movie.  Let me issue a very strong disclaimer. THIS IS NOT A FAMILY FRIENDLY SUPER-HERO FILM. Not in any way shape or form. It's rated a very,very strong R for foul language,nudity,ultra-violence and more foul language.  Here is the big question that should be addressed. Despite DEADPOOL being a filth ridden, offensively rude and crude, ultra-violent movie that was made for the comic book geek who loves crude humor to the tenth power, does the film have any redeeming value whatsoever? In my opinion, the answer is yes. That's the real strength of this film. We are given a character who is self aware