Captain America is back, along with most of The Avengers dealing with the fallout of their actions in AGE OF ULTRON. The question is this...should superheroes be controlled by the government or be left alone to do as they please without dealing with the consequences of their actions? And that is my big problem with this film, there are no consequences in this film. Nothing of tangible substance happens in this film, save for the fact that we are introduced to two new(somewhat) heroes to Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Not to say that CIVIL WAR isn't entertaining, because it is. Watching superheroes flying and jump around the screen, throwing out smart aleck comments is still fun after at least a dozen plus films. One problem with the action though. It was filmed in a way that made it look choppy and hard to focus on. It became a big distraction for me.
 I can't shake the fact that the story for why The Avengers are fighting each other is about as flimsy as as a stryofoam plate. The governments of the world want Cap and friends to sign an accord that lets the government tell them when they take action and save the world? There are no substantive reasons for why the heroes take one side or the other. But, when they start fighting each other, again, for no real reason, it is fun to watch.
 I am being very vague with what does take place in the film without spoiling anything. There are some big scene stealers in the film, so I'll stop there.
 Let me use this description to sum up my feelings about CIVIL WAR. It's like watching an episode of The Flinstones, where in the end, the characters are the same as they were in the beginning No change. No growth. They just jump on the screen and fight for two and half hours and tear up more cities around the world with no consequences to the story.
 I'm going to give CAPTAIN AMERICA:CIVIL WAR a B-.

Notice how I didn't mention another superhero movie that came out about six weeks ago with the very same story and done way better in my opinion. That is a whole other post.


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