SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY is the tale of Han Solo's origin story. It tells about his first love, his escape from enslavement on his homeworld of Corella, his days in the Empire and his very first meeting with Chewbacca and how they became gangsters working for crime syndicates across the galaxy. SOLO is also and more importantly a 2 hour and 15-minute entertaining and thrilling rollercoaster ride of a filmgoing experience. It has action, romance, comedy, suspense and thrills enough to entertain a Tusken Raider.
   The cast assembled for this film is top notch. Alden Ehrenreich absolutely nails the character of Han Solo. Instead of giving us an impersonation of Harrison Ford, he gives us his interpretation of the iconic character and does a fantastic job. The same can be said for Donald Glover who portrays Lando Calrissian. He's not doing his best Billy Dee Williams impression, he goes into who and what the character of Lando is all about. He does a fantastic, star-making performance as the galactic con artist. Emilia Clarke also gives a fantastic performance as Solo's first love. Her character Q'ria is a woman of much mystery and is apart of the film's jaw-dropping revelation. Woody Harrelson gives another turn as the mentor to Han Solo. Can you trust him or will he betray you when all is said and done? That is the real question at the center of this fantastic prequel film. Who can you trust? By the time the film ends, Han will know the answer to an important life lesson question. That is also part of the fun of  SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY, who is Han going to rely on when the dust settles. This story goes a long way in painting an early portrait of the legend we all know he turns out to be in the Star Wars legacy.
  That brings up a BIG question. Why do we need a movie about a character whose fate is already determined in the core Star Wars movies? My answer to that is we don't. While Solo makes new revelations into the life of Han Solo, the film does give us insight and added story to the iconic characters of Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Lando Calrissian. Like I said earlier, it is a fantastic and entertaining roller coaster ride from beginning to end. Anyone who is a true Star Wars fan will appreciate this film. It is one NOT to be missed.
I can say more about the film, like the solid script from Jonathan and Lawrence Kasdan and the spectacular direction from veteran film director, Ron Howard. See it for yourself and judge it for yourself.


  1. I too loved the movie. I thought Alden did a decent job as Han Solo. The only thing I felt he was missing was Fords charisma he gave to Han’s chacter. Glover was spot on with the portray of Lando. I also liked seeing a few Characters from past films to help tie everything in.

  2. Thank you for commenting. I don't understand why this and previous Star Wars films are getting so much hate. These are fantastic films.


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