My thoughts on the latest installment in the Iron Man series will remain as spoiler free as I can keep it. Perhaps I will write an entry in the very near future discussing one particular spoiler that has Fanboys across the world upset with writer/director Shane Black. I think it is genius, although my very first reaction was negative.
   IRON MAN 3 finds Tony Stark battling demons from his past(1999 to be exact) that he alone created. They rear their ugly head to wreck havoc and destruction in Tony and friend's lives.
How Stark deals with that is the core of the movie.
Robert Downey Jr. gives what I feel is his best performance on film in his fourth performance as Tony Stark/Iron Man. As always, he dominates the film with rapid fire dialogue and humor. He is matched against Guy Pierce as Aldrich Killian, a techno scientist like Stark, who's ideas are shot down by Stark and retaliates years later with a revenge plot that rocks Stark's world to it's very core.
  I've heard much criticism about there not being enough Iron Man in the film and too much Tony Stark. Uh, correct me if I'm worng, but Iron Man is Tony Stark, not the other way around. Unlike Superman,Batman and Spider-Man, Iron Man is the creation of Tony Stark. Without Tony Stark, there is no Iron Man. This film series has worked hard at establishing  this and the third entry, in my opinion, deals with it better than any other super hero film before it.
  And yes, I will say that IRON MAN 3 is the best of the Iron Man films.
A side note: I did forget to mention Ben Kingsley's performance as The Mandarin, Iron Man's supposed arch enemy from the comic books. This is the subject for another entry to be written sometime after the movie has been out long enough those to have seen it.
  IRON MAN 3 rates a 9 on a scale of 1 to 10.
Check it out now before the big plot  twist is leaked and ruined for you.


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