Movies reviews merging with Biblical Principlas?

       A buddy of mine, Jon Lewis-say hello everyone reading this, to a wonderful man of God.
       Anyway, my buddy, Jon, approached me with the idea of merging my two blogs together as one.
Basically talking about movies or reviewing movies through a Biblical view instead of a worldly view.
      Then I really got to thinking about what Jon said. Why not? Could I do it? I recalled the last movie I saw in theaters, IRON MAN 3 and about how Tony Stark being this brillant creator of technology and businessman yet when it comes to wisdom, and I'm talking Biblical Wisdom, really the only wisdom there is in this world, he is bankrupt. How so, you ask? That is an example and possible entry for the future.
     Jon is so right. We need to point out Biblical principals in movies today or the lack of Biblical principals. Maybe, just maybe by God's will, someone reading this who doesn't believe and God and doesn't believe that Jesus died on the cross for his or her sins, just might be led to dig deeper into what Jesus actually did for you and me and see that Hollywood is really bankrupt, not only in the idea department, but in the moral department as well.
     We need more movies like the Kendrick Brothers COURAGEOUS, in my opinion. If you've never heard of that movie or have never seen it, maybe you should.
    So,hey, Jon, if you're reading this, I guess I'm taking you up on your idea. I know that you wouldn't want me to give you the credit, and so, I won't. All the credit, all the glory goes to God.
Until next time, God Bless everyone.


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