LIFE OF PI=Lifeless film

 LIFE OF PI is about a boy stranded in a lifeboat with a Bengal Tiger, after the boat they're on sinks during a storm. And that's pretty much it. Well there is more to it than that, but nothing that really gets you into the movie. Nothing that makes you care about Pi.
    That's my big problem with THE LIFE OF PI. I wanted to care, but I didn't. I found the pacing to be slow moving because, like I've already stated, there isn't a whole lot there. I never go into plot details. I let you figure that out on your own, if you decide to watch the movie.
    The visuals are the best thing about the movie, but there's only so much of the ocean, flying fish, glowing jellyfish and fighting a Bengal Tiger that I can take.
   No, I haven't read the book this movie is based on and now that I've seen the movie-that's a lesson in survival itself-I don't have to. But don't take it from me. I could be wrong. If this tale interests you, then check it out, but don't say that I didn't warn you if  you find it boring as well.


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