Movie Review: MARSHALL- A Subpar Bio-Pic about an Influential Man.

    MARSHALL fails to tell me who Thurgood Marshall, the man, was and what his greatest contributions were to Africain American people and to history. Instead, what we get is a subpar biopic that goes through the motions and very lazily at that.
    The film is more concerned with depicting the case that Mr.Marshall co-chairs on with a Jewish White Man, played by Josh Gad. The case is about a black man, played by Sterling K. Brown, who is accused of raping a white woman(Kate Hudson) and then trying to kill her by throwing her off a bridge. None of this spoilerish. It's the supposed facts of the case.
  MARSHALL takes a solid hour to get going or you could say, to finally get interesting. For Forty minutes of its 118-minute run-time, MARSHALL becomes a decent, watchable film. The remaining 18 minutes reverts back to its predictable, paint by numbers style.
  I have failed to mention the film's star, until now. Chadwick Boseman plays the title character, Thurgood Marshall. He could be playing a black Perry Mason. His performance is average and forgettable, like the movie itself. The film tells us nothing of substance about the Man, Thurgood Marshall. Either that or I must have dozed off during that part of the film. However, I can assure you that I was wide awake. Sleep would have been better.
I give MARSHALL a C-.


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