Based on the children's book of the same name, PETER RABBIT is focused on stealing vegetables from Farmer McGregor's garden to provide for his three sisters, cousin and his buddy. Farmer McGregor is out to stop "the rodents"ruining and stealing from his garden for which he works tirelessly, day in, day out.
   From the beginning, the audience has empathy for both sides. If only they could find a common ground and get along. You get an understanding of what drives McGregor and Peter to go the lengths to get what each wants-rid of each other.
  What did I enjoy about PETER RABBIT?  Domhall Gleeson (THE LAST JEDI) gives a tremendous and energetic performance as Thomas McGregor, a department store employee who inherits his Uncle's farm. His performance is that of the classic straight man paired with, in this case, CGI animated Rabbits. If you really think about it, Gleason is acting in front of a green screen, predominantly alone for most of the time. Most of, if  not all of the animals are CGI animation. There are tons of animation/visual effects on display here. I was impressed with Mister Gleason performance here and enjoyed his chemistry with Rose Byrne as Bea, Thomas's neighbor.
  Then there is the CGI animation that I marveled at. It always blows my mind when I hear people complain about CGI in a film. If they can do better, than why aren't they in Hollywood showing the world how talented they are? Can I get an AMEN? Rant over. That being said, the animation on display here is right out of the storybook its based on. It can be beautiful and amazing to watch these animals come to life on the big screen.
   The voice work featuring James Corden, Margot Robbie, and Daisy Ridley are fantastic. Corden's voice performance an edge and feistiness to Peter and Ridley shows us a whole other dimension to her acting skills in the sense that she is quite funny here. Margot Robbie's voice (to me) is unrecognizable as Flopsy and her narrator's voice sounds similar to Rose Byrne, which confused me a little. I am leaving out other voice talents here and not on purpose. A great job was done by all.
   Now for the negative. The big drawback of the film is (1) it's use of repeated jokes and visual sight gags. How many times do we need a deer (literally) caught in the headlights, shocking door knobs, throwing people across a room or a rooster waking people up? (2) All the antics in the film start to wear out its welcome around the 80-minute mark. Thank goodness for the nearly 100-minute runtime.
   To sum it all up, PETER RABBIT is an enjoyable family film with laughs and a heart of  wearing the viewer out with the repeated jokes and antics. I give PETER RABBIT a B.
but runs the risk


  1. Giod review. We really enjoyed it and it was funny.

    1. Thank you very much. :)
      Be sure to visit often for more movie reviews.


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