BOYHOOD Movie Review

Which brings me to my review of BOYHOOD, starring Ethan Hawke and Patricia Arquette as divorced parents raising two children separately.
The thing that stands out about BOYHOOD is that it was filmed over the course of twelve years. Everyone in the film ages naturally, no CGI or visual effects used. This is experimental film making, ladies and gentlemen.
The film seemd a bit boring in places and it had an improv feel to the acting. Not a bad thing. It gives the film a more realistic feel.
But here's the thing that bowled me over and had a tremendous affect on me-the overall movie. When you have watched the entire three hour film, it is then that I felt like I had been on some type of profound journey. It is a deep,funny, moving and emotionally painful film to watch that, like I said, is rewarding at the conclusion.
BOYHOOD might look like a family film on the surface, but I can assure you, it is not. It's Rated R for language, sexual references,teen drug use and alcohol use. I'd say that it's audience is teenagers and up.
**** out of 4 stars.
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