AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR (Q&A EDITION) Possible minor Spoilers!!!!

What is the film about? Do you really have to ask? Ok, fine. A Big, Bad Villain from the deepest parts of the Universe sets out to collection the 6 Infinity Gems. Once he gets his hands on these mystical and powerful gems, he plans on wiping out half of the universe. Who can possibly stop him? Well, who do you think? The Earth's Mightiest Avengers along with the help of The Guardians of The Galaxy. That's who.

Do I need to see any of the previous Marvel films before I see this? It sure would help understand things better. There is very little exposition in the film, unless it has to do with Thanos and the Infinity Gems. Otherwise, the filmmakers assume you know all the major players and everything they've been through up to now. There is no backtracking here.

Do people die in this film unlike in most Marvel films? (Minor Spoiler!!!!!) Yes. The Powers that be finally deliver consequences that amount to something here. That is all I will say.

How long is the film? It a run time of 149 minutes, so make sure your bladder is empty because there is a whole lot that goes on in the film. You will not want to miss anything.

Does Thanos deliver the goods as a villain? Yes and then some. I would goes as far as to say he is one of the greatest cinematic villains ever. That is a bold statement. He also does something most villains fail to do. Make you care just a little bit about his motives and the lengths he goes to get the job done.

Does the film live up to the hype? Yes. The Russo Brothers make their biggest,boldest and most ambitious film to date. They task themselves and screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely with the daunting task of fitting almost three dozens characters into a film and making their individual stories make sense in the grand scheme of things. They also pull out all the stops on action and suspense and raise the stakes as high as we've yet to see our beloved Marvel heroes face to date.

Do you consider this film to another Gem in Marvel's Crown or a Major Disappointment? This is a GIANT achievement for the folks at Marvel. My jaw dropped several times at what they've accomplished here.

Are there any bonus scenes in this film, like in previous Marvel movies? Yes. There is one at the very end. It is a must to stay and wait for or you will regret it.

Can I bring my kids to this? If you've let them see any of the previous 17 films, why stop now. There is much fun to be had here and some discussions to be had as well walking out of this.

How would you rate this film? I give AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR a solid A. It is a MAJOR Achievement in cinematic comic book storytelling.


  1. I loved this movie. When can we talk on here about certain scense? I honestly thought this movie was going to be impossible for anyone to pull of and able to give all the chapters Justice and a roll. But some how the Russo’s did it. Like you my jaw dropped several times. I need to see it again and again. This was Marvels Empire Strikes back if you know what I mean.

    1. Thank you for commenting. Go ahead talk about whatever you want but give a SPOILER WARNING beforehand.


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