ISLE OF DOGS (2018) (PG-13) Q&A Edition

What is the film about? Set in the future, ISLE OF DOGS tells the story of a boys search for his dog, who was just one of many dogs exiled on an island of garbage after a dog flue breakout sweeps Japan. After the boy crashes on the island, he encounters a pack of dogs who help him search for his missing dog.

Is it written and directed by artsy fartsy filmmaker Wes Anderson? Yes, it is. Wes Anderson is similar to Woody Allen in the sense that his films do not attract a mainstream moviegoing audience. Mr.Anderson is hit or miss with me. His latest film and his second animated feature after THE FANTASTIC MR.FOX, is a hit with me.

Is this a film for children? That depends on the intellect of the child. I doubt small children will sit still for long enough to immerse themselves in this often awkward style of storytelling. Middle school children and up might find something to like about in this film.

I hear it's different from today's animated films. How so? The film uses the stop-motion animation technique, which is nothing new in the world of film, and not something mainstream audiences are familiar with when compared to today's animated films.

Is the film any good? Depends on your taste of films and your like for Wes Anderson's style of storytelling which can be quirky. As for my view on the film, it is one of his best films to date. It's funny one moment and endearing the next. I stopped looking at the main characters as dogs and before long, viewed them as fully developed characters with heart and soul.

What is your favorite thing about ISLE OF DOGS? There are three things that stand out to me that I must mention. I've already said that I believe this is Wes Anderson's best film. He gives us a film that not only has his signature stamp of filmmaking on full display but also creates a world that is original and unlike most films seen today. It is a piece of original filmmaking in a time where every film is either a remake, reboot or sequel.Bryan Cranston leads an all-star cast of voice talent. He voices Chief, the alpha dog in a pack of five dogs, voiced by Bill Murry, Jeff Goldbloom, Edward Norton and Bob Balaban. The third things I loved about this film is composer and Acadamy Award winner Alexandre Desplat's score for the film. It prevalent throughout the film becoming a staple to the film. Some of the melodies are so catchy that you find yourself whistling out loud in the theater-almost.

What did you dislike most about ISLE OF DOGS? The film can be a bit quirky in its style of storytelling. That is one of Mr.ANderson's signature marks in his films. Quirkiness. I find it to be offputting some of the time. Other than that, ISLE OF DOGS is my favorite Wes Anderson film to date.

Would you recommend this film to others? I recommend this to any lover of film. At the same time, I have to repeat myself by saying that Wes Anderson's films are not for everybody. You can say that for most films. You are missing potentially a film that is a wonderful piece of visual storytelling if you choose to sit this one out.

How would you rate ISLE OF DOGS? I give this film a solid A and is one of my favorite films so far this year.


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