An Unconventional Star Wars Movie. (Spoiler Free)

I will not go into story details here because everything that I could say would be a spoiler. I will simply say this. If you are a fan of Star Wars, then you will not be disappointed. Then again, maybe you will. Moviegoers today are a nit-picky bunch. This will end up being a very short review because I feel I can't say one word.
What about Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker? A great performance from Hamill. It wasn't what I was expecting at all. He gives a very unexpected take on an aged Luke Skywalker that in my opinion, is brilliant. Carrie Fisher is heartbreaking in every scene that she is in for the simple fact that we know this is her last performance as Leia. She is terrific. Oscar Isaacs returns as Poe Dameron and steals most of the scenes he is in. The Porg. THE PORG. They are bird-like creatures that inhabit Luke's island hideaway. They are cute times 1,000. I want ten of them.I can go on. I'll stop.
I will write a more detailed and spoiler filled review in the next day.
I'll also hold off on giving this a letter grade. As if you can't tell this is a positive review. Go see it.
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