EL CAMINO CHRISTMAS- Don't go to the bathroom in this town.

 After seeing EL CAMINO CHRISTMAS, knowing what I do know about this fictional town and I was driving through on the way to a real and substantial destination and needed to go to the bathroom really bad, I'd either wait for a better-looking town or just go to the bathroom in my pants. That sums up what I thought of this film. Looking back, I'd rather go to the bathroom in my pants than have to watch this cliche-ridden movie again.
  There is not one original thing to be found in EL CAMINO CHRISTMAS. Not one. The town is a dirty place that no one would want to visit. It consists of a Gas Station, a Liquor Store, a bar, a hotel that is run by the Police Department, a police station and some apartments where it appears, based on this film, consists of depressed people who medicate themselves with marijuana and alcohol. Oh, and there is a little boy who won't talk. Doesn't that mean he is mute? No, the boy won't talk for some unknown reason, but I bet you that by the end of this film, he talks so much you'll want him to be quiet. It's basically a town that you would see in a PUREFLIX movie minus the depressed people self-medicating on alcohol and marijuana. I don't think a PUREFLIX movie would have an apartment complex either, for budget reasons.
 Back to the movie. It does feature a potty-mouthed Tim Allen. So if you are expecting the Tim Allen from the Santa Clause movies or his canceled political views platform of a television sitcom, you will be shocked to see what he has to say here, which by the way, will negate his Christian/Republican views. It also features Vincent D'Onofrio as a stereotypical small-town sheriff. He does his best to breathe some fresh air into his performance, but that is squashed because he is in a cliched film. No chance for originality here, Mr.D'Onofrio.
  Bottom line, EL CAMINO CHRISTMAS is not new under the sun. No, I didn't even mention the plot of this movie for the simple fact that there is barely any plot in the film, and what is there to view this(you guessed it) a cliched filled plot.
  I give EL CAMINO CHRISTMAS a D- because I somehow watched the entire thing. That right there is a Christmas miracle and might have more to do with Christmas than this film.
 One more thing, you can only watch it if you have NETFLIX. 


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