Office Christmas Party-Inappropriately Funny...sometimes.

I work in an office environment. The idea of people having to act "politically correct" in an office environment and getting the chance to let off some steam and act a little "inappropriate" sounds like a humorous idea for a movie to me. OFFICE CHRISTMAS PARTY is that idea come to life, at least for most of the movie.
  OFFICE CHRISTMAS PARTY tells the story of a group of office workers in a computer software company anticipating having their annual office Christmas party. But when the Boss's sister (play by Jennifer Aniston)shows up in town, she quickly squashes that idea and also threatens to pull the plug on her brother's branch of the company their recently deceased father left behind. T.J. Miller(Deadpool) is the Boss/Brother, who defies his sister's demands with the help of his second in charge, Jason Bateman. What ensues is an often funny, highly inappropriate movie. Sex, drugs, hip-hop music and lots of foul languages take place, so be warned.
  I found myself laughing at about 60% of the jokes/hijinks. The rest is the equivalent of bad holiday punch. The cast, led by Bateman, Miller, Aniston and some of the current cast of Saturday Night Live does a decent job of getting some laughs. It's when the film tries to go over the top for laughs that it misses the mark.
  Bottom line, I say see it this comedic idea remotely interests you. Otherwise, help yourself to Aunt Betty's Holiday Fruitcake instead. I give OFFICE CHRISTMAS PARTY a B-. 


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