The Greatest Showman-One of the most under-rated films of 2017.

THE GREATEST SHOWMAN is an unexpected surprise.  From the very first musical number featuring a singing and dancing Hugh Jackman, the film grabs hold of you and doesn't let go until the final second. It is Mr.Jackman's presence and performance that fuels this highly entertaining song and dance spectacle about the beginnings of P.T. Barnum and how he made one of the biggest entertainment platforms out of nothing but a dream.  It is also the story of people of different color, shapes, and sizes who come together and show the world that "circus freaks and losers" are human beings as well and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
  The cast is exceptional. Lead by Jackman, in an Academy Award caliber performance (yes, he's that good), we also get Michelle Williams as his wife, Charity Barnum, Zac Efron (who has never been better in a movie than he is here) as a theater producer who partners with Jackman/Barnum to make his ideas a reality, and Zendaya as a trapeze artist who has an instant attraction for Efron. There are two more performances that I can't leave out. Rebecca Ferguson as a European Opera singer, who is brought to America by Barnum and Keala Settle in a powerhouse performance as Lettie Lutz a.k.a. The Bearded Lady. All give exceptional performances.
  Then there is the music itself, that is the big reason to see this film. The songs are brought to you by the Academy Award Winning songwriters of La La Land-Benj Pasek and Justin Paul. Almost every single number is really good, three of which are showstoppers.
 All of this under the brilliant guidance of first-time director Michael Gracey. He hits a home run on his first try. I'm THE GREATEST SHOWMAN is done very well. It's also a film that you can bring the whole family to see. It has something for everyone. Singing, dancing, action, drama, comedy, and romance.
  I highly recommend THE GREATEST SHOWMAN only to those looking for a great time at the movies. That's everyone. I give the film an A-. It's not perfect, but highly entertaining. Go see it this Holiday season. 


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