MOTHER-A bad movie disguised as art or the other way around?

   MOTHER, written and directed by film auteur Darren Aronofsky is a confusing story and hard to describe. Plain and simple. Question is, was it meant to be confusing and hard to describe? I will do my best in this review to answer that question. The important thing to take away from viewing MOTHER is this. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That is the case with MOTHER. But how does one see it? A good movie or garbage? For me, I see MOTHER as somewhere in the middle.
  MOTHER tells the tale of a young woman married to a tortured writer (aren't all writers tortured souls to one degree or the other?). The couple lives in a beautiful house that is under renovation entirely by the young woman (played well by Jennifer Lawrence). Javier Bardem plays the tortured writer who ventures outdoors when he's not writing, leaving the young woman alone in the house. She seems to like it that way. Let me point out that this house appears to be in the middle of nowhere. Things change for the couple when a stranger (played by Ed Harris) knocks on their door. From that point, things get creepy and unpredictable. I won't go any further trying to describe the plot of the film, but I will say that the young woman does not react well to a stranger entering her house. What transpires after this depends entirely on how you the viewer see things. I can interpret it one way and you could very well see in an entirely different way. Let me tell you my favorite thing that I liked about this movie. That involves divulging another piece of the story. ****SPOILER ALERT****
(Skip this part if you don't want to know anything further.) Michelle Pfeiffer shows up as the stranger's wife, making things more weird and complicated. She gives a terrific performance. It's the best thing about this movie, in my opinion.****END SPOILER****
  As I've mentioned earlier, how you see MOTHER is totally up to how you see things. I could go on and tell you how I viewed the film. But that would be pointless in the context of this review. I will tell you how the movie left me after it ended. I felt that Aronofsky guided me into hell and left me there. That is a place that I do not want to visit or find myself in. I'm not sure why anyone else would want to go there either.
  Is MOTHER a good or bad film? Once again, that is up to you to decide. Ultimately, isn't that the case with anything? Yes. Here's how I see the film. It left me feeling bad and dirty. I don't like films like that. I cannot recommend the film to anyone. Don't leave that decision up to me. If the film remotely interests you, then see it. But let me give you a word of warning. You may not like it. Isn't  that the risk of any film that you sit down to watch? 
I give MOTHER a C-.


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